Artifact Document Specification

This document outlines the specification for the Artifact data format. All specifications in this document are released as Creative Commons CC0 public domain. You can read more about this license here:

Document Type

Artifact documents can be specified in multiple formats.

TOML Format

The TOML format adheres to a subset of the TOML format and are documents of the form:

partof = "ART-baa"
text = '''

partof = [
text = '''

Where partof can be either a single string or a list of strings.

Markdown Format

The markdown format uses extended Commonmark (TODO: link) format. It is of the form:

# REQ-foo
<optional yaml section for metadata>
<markdown text>

Where the yaml section is completely optional (the ### can be skipped if it doesn't need it.

Artifact Types

Instead of ART as defined in Document Type, the user must select from 3 artifact types:

  • REQ: specifying a requirement. REQ can only have REQ in its partof field.
  • SPC: specifying a design specification. SPC can only have REQ or SPC in its partof field.
  • TST: specifying a test of a SPC. TST can have any of REQ, SPC or TST in its partof field.

Automatic Links

The following will be automatically linked:

  • parents: REQ-foo will automatically be a partof REQ-foo-bar
  • common-prefix for REQ -> SPC -> TST links
    • REQ-foo will automatically be a partof SPC-foo if REQ-foo exists
    • SPC-foo will automatically be a partof TST-foo if SPC-foo exists

Linking an artifact in source code

Artifacts can be linked in source code, which "completes" their spc%.

The way to link to an artifact is to place #ART-name anywhere in the source code file.

Sub Artifacts (subart)

A sub artifact is defined by placing [[.subart]] anywhere in the text field of an artifact.

Subarts can be linked in source code as well by placing #ART-name.subart anywhere in the source code file.

A special subart is [[.tst-subart]] which will contribute to both tst% and spc%.