This is the installation guide. For more information see the project home page

Typical Installation

artifact is compiled for linux, mac and windows. You can find releases on the github release page.

For Linux and Mac, simply download and unpack the tarball with tar -zxvf <release_name>.tar.gz. Then put it somewhere in your PATH

You can then update to the newest version with art update


The recommended method of installation for windows is to use the scoop package manager.

First, install scoop from a powershell terminal:

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

Then install artifact:

scoop install artifact

Arch Linux

In addition to the installation methods above, Artifact is maintained as a package on the Arch AUR by @rubdos:

Building From Source

Simply execute the following:

git clone
cd artifact
cargo build --release

Note: you may need cargo-web installed as well.

Do a full suite of tests with:

cargo test

Installing with cargo

Install rust with rustup and type cargo install artifact-app

Note this may never be feature complete and is not the recommended method of installation.